C-Scan®  is a handheld, pocket-sized ultrasound tool that provides real-time grayscale anatomic and color Doppler blood flow images with touch screen.

It is the preliminary screening tool for you " from patient to patient " within your primary, critical, or specialty care clinical environment.
C-Scan®  is a handheld, pocket-sized ultrasound tool that provides real-time grayscale anatomic and color Doppler blood flow images with touch screen.

It is the preliminary screening tool for you " from patient to patient " within your primary, critical, or specialty care clinical environment.
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Clinical Applications:
Line Placement (CVC, PICC)
Pain management            
Vascular Access
Primary Care
Emergency & ICU         
General Practitioners
Pediatric Scanning        

Detect pericardial effusion, chest fluid or internal bleeding at ER or in ambulance, enabling prompt initiation of treatment
View fetus as they grow
Detect fetal heart beats
Monitor the amount of Amniotic fluid during delivery
Find plaque in Carotid, avoid stroke before it strikes
Place lines in veins with visual confidence
Find nodules in thyroids, livers or breasts during screening
Monitor stones in kidneys, gall bladders and bladders
Verify bone fractures without X-ray


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