OxyB eXtra

Pulse Oximeter with PI index
6 modes and HR sound beep.
Alarm Setting:

Pulse Oximeter with PI index
6 modes and HR sound beep.
Alarm Setting:
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Small in size, and easy to carry
Color OLED monitor, 6 different display modes
Pulse histogram and 4 kinds Spo2 wave display
Easy to use & high accuracy and repetition
Low voltage alarm display
Pulse oximeter perfusion index (PI)  
Auto power-off after 20 seconds without signal
Runs on standard AAA batteries and continuous working time is 30 hours
Light weight of 55g, batteries included
Alarm setting: (SpO2   Hi/Lo)   (PR     Hi/Lo)

Screen 1
Sounds Setup: To go to the other menu
SpO2 Alm Hi:   Set hi levels of oxygen percentage
SpO2 Alm Lo:  Set low levels of oxygen percentage
PR Alm Hi:  Set high levels of pulse rate
PR Alm Lo:  Set low levels of pulse rate Switch
+/- :           Between going higher or lower
Exit :         To exit the menu
Screen 2
Alm:        To switch the alarm on or off
Beep:      To switch the pulse rate alarm on or off
Restore : To restore back to factory settings
Exit:         To exit the menu

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