Ultrasound machines use sound at a frequency above the human range of hearing to create pictures of patients’ insides.

Hillinton iSono®, transmit the image directly to iOs hardware , portable screen, making it easier for doctors to make crucial decisions.
iSono® gives us an idea of the severity of their condition and so physicians at that time can make a better judgment call as to whether they need to be admitted.
wireless ultrasound scanner,hillinton ultrasound,china medical,china ultrasound
Ultrasound machines use sound at a frequency above the human range of hearing to create pictures of patients’ insides.

Hillinton iSono®, transmit the image directly to iOs hardware , portable screen, making it easier for doctors to make crucial decisions.
iSono® gives us an idea of the severity of their condition and so physicians at that time can make a better judgment call as to whether they need to be admitted.
wireless ultrasound scanner,hillinton ultrasound,china medical,china ultrasound
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Ultrasound scanner Workable with Tablet or Smart devices
Built-in and replaceable battery
Advanced digital  imaging technology, clear image         
High cost-effective
Wireless connectivity, easy to operate    
Small and  light , easy to carry
Applicable in emergency, clinic, outdoor and vet inspection
Intelligent terminal platform, powerful expansion functions on application, storage, communication, printing


iSono® S  Sector
iSono® c1 Convex, Radius 40mm, 3.5MHz, 64 elements, 8 Channel
iSono® C2
® C3
® CD3
Convex, Radius 60mm, 3.5MHz, 128 elements, 16 Channel
Convex, Radius 60mm, 3.5MHz, 128 elements, 32 Channel
With color Doppler,  Radius 60mm, 3.5MHz, 128 elements,16 Channel
iSono® L1
® L2
® L3
Linear, Length 40mm, 7.5MHz, 64 elements, 8 Channel
Linear, Length 40mm, 7.5MHz, 128 elements, 16 Channel
Linear, Length 40mm, 7.5MHz, 128 elements, 32 Channel
iSono® L4 Linear, Length 25mm, 10MHz, 128 elements, 16 Channel
iSono® 4D1 4D scan, 3.5MHz, 64 elements, 8 Channel
iSono® Plus Built-in Screen
Linear, Length 25mm, 10MHz, 128 elements, 16 Channel
Depth: 100mm~200mm

wireless ultrasound scanner

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