MD06x Advanced blood pressure with Oximetry,
3 users data record and alarm setting,
Hillinton 06X have a large color screen, and come with PC software to Show trend graph,
analytical diagrams Edit add notes to every piece of data by connecting the device with PC through USB port.

MD06x Advanced blood pressure with Oximetry,
3 users data record and alarm setting,
Hillinton 06X have a large color screen, and come with PC software to Show trend graph,
analytical diagrams Edit add notes to every piece of data by connecting the device with PC through USB port.

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2.8" TFT color screen 320x240 pixels
NIBP measurement
SpO2 measurement
Trusted accuracy clinically validated
Oscillometry with step deflation
Multi-user mode (Adult Child New born)
Built-in flash memory up to 100 items for each user (3 User)
Built-in BP Alarms
Automatic cuff inflation and deflation
Reliable power supply with or AA battery
Battery status indicator
Data Review: List and Trend
Setting for Time .Date .mHg/kPa .Alarm .User type .Language
Sync with PC-based Software via USB port accurate analysis systems


Comes with PC Software for data transfer
Show trend graph analytical diagrams Edit add notes to every piece of data 
Edit examinees information medical advices condition descriptions present drug usage info etc. 
Print report support print preview
06X Soft

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