SpirOx-P Pocket Spirometer with PC Spirometry reports.
The SpirOx p is quick and easy to use as part of a routine physical examination. it comes with the ‘SpirOx P Reports’ PC software for creating PDF’s that can be viewed, archived, transmitted or printed.
The SpirOx p is quick and easy to use as part of a routine physical examination. it comes with the ‘SpirOx P Reports’ PC software for creating PDF’s that can be viewed, archived, transmitted or printed.

Single breath evaluation of the most important test parameters are ready at a glance on-screen with additional parameters, predicted values, percentages and interpretation available on the PDF report.
Available in three types of models:
SpirOx P Spirometer with data transfer function
Available in three types of models:
SpirOx P Spirometer with data transfer function
SpirOx PU Spirometer with data transfer function by USB
SpirOx PT Spirometer with data transfer function by Bluetooth and comes with android app
SpirOx PT Spirometer with data transfer function by Bluetooth and comes with android app
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