SpirOx plus
SpirOx plus spirometer is a hand-held equipment for checking lung conditions, adopts the infrared mode for measuring relative items, it is applicable for hospital, clinic, family for routine test.

large Color Screen

SpirOx plus spirometer is a hand-held equipment for checking lung conditions, adopts the infrared mode for measuring relative items, it is applicable for hospital, clinic, family for routine test.

large Color Screen

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Large and color screen
Forced Vital Capacity (FVC).
Forced Expired Volume in one second (FEV1).
The ratio of FEV1 and FVC (FEV1/FVC).
Peak expiratory flow (PEF).
25% flow of the FVC (FEF25). 
50% flow of the FVC (FEF50).
75% flow of the FVC(FEF75) and average flow between
25% and 75% of the FVC(FEF2575) can be measured. Besides.
The user condition can be shown by the ratio of the measured value and the predicted value.
Flow rate-volume chart, volume-time chart display.
Data memory, delete, upload and review.
Trend chart display.
Information prompts when volume or flow goes beyond the limits.
Automatic power off when there is no operation in two minutes.
Rechargeable lithium battery and with charging tips.
Battery power display.
Bluetooth module built-in

SPIROMETER SpirOx plus is a hand-held equipment for checking lung conditions

Comes with PC Software ( printing report)

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