iSonic®  Wide band multi-frequency,Imaging Processing ,Imaging optimization and Compound enhance technology,touch pad and keyboard,high quality images and sensitivity

Pulse Wave Doppler & HPRF” (CW Doppler for cardiac applies optional) Function 
“Color/Power/Directional Power Doppler Flow Imaging”

Probes Made by NDK JAPAN
Ultrasound probe isonic
iSonic®  Wide band multi-frequency,Imaging Processing ,Imaging optimization and Compound enhance technology,touch pad and keyboard,high quality images and sensitivity

Pulse Wave Doppler & HPRF” (CW Doppler for cardiac applies optional) Function 
“Color/Power/Directional Power Doppler Flow Imaging”

Probes Made by NDK JAPAN
Ultrasound probe isonic
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17" LCD, high brightness, high resolution, wide view angle 
iSonic®  Wide band multi frequency ,Imaging Processing ,Imaging optimization
195 elements, ZIP260 connector
Hard Disk (500G), 
Control panel (exclude touch pad)
Operating Mode:  2B, 4B, B/M, M, B/C, B/C/D, B/D, PW, velocity,
power (direction), histogram, Triplex/Duplex

Imaging Processing Technology
Imaging optimization technology
Compound enhance technology
Speckle reduction
Multi beam parallel processing technology
Color coding
Doppler frame correlation
Wall filter
Tissue Harmonic
File management
Hard disk storage
Cine loop
Parallel printing port

Imaging Modes
B, Dual B, Quad B, M
Color, Dual Color
Simultaneous 2D/Color Compound
PW, Duplex/Triplex
CFM, PD, Directional PD, CD
Freehand 3D

Measurements Specifications
Obstetrical Report
Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI)
BPD/OFD, FL/AC, FL/BPD and HC/AC ratio
Estimate Weight Of Fetus
Gestational Age 
Expected Date Of Confinement (LMP/BBT)
Fetal Biophysical Score
Fetus Growth Curve

Uterus, Ovary, Follicle
Gynecology Report

Kidney, Bladder, Residual Urine Volume
Urology Report

Prostate, Testis
Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA)
Prostate Specific Antigen Density (PSAD)
Andrology report

Left and Right Hip Joint

Peripheral Vascular
Area Stenosis
Vessel Diameter Stenosis
Peripheral Vascular Report

Small Parts
Thyroid, Mammary Gland, Nodule
Small Parts Report

Multiple Births
Measurement Of Multiple Births

Heart Rate
Blood Flow Rate
Left Ventricle
Mitral Valve
Ventricle (left/right)
Area Stenosis (% area Sten)
Vascular Diameter Stenosis (% Diam Sten)
Body Surface Area (BSA)

Comes with
Mobile trolley  
Multi frequency convex probe
Multi frequency linear probe
Optional modules
CW Doppler and “Free Xros™ Imaging “(for cardiac applies) module 
Smart3D module (for 3 dimensions with 2D standard convex probe)  
“iScape View” module 
DICOM 3.0 module 
Optional probes
Micro-convex array Transvaginal probe
Micro-convex probe
Linear probe 
Intdo rectal linear probe  
Phased array probe 2P2 (for cardiac applies)
Optional Accessories
Footswitch by USB port   
Biopsy guide for convex probe
Biopsy guide for micro-convex probe 
Biopsy guide for linear probe 
Biopsy guide for micro-convex TV probe 
Biopsy guide for intrarectal linear probe 

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